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Protect Your Braces While Playing Sports

Getting braces doesn’t mean giving up the sports you love! Luckily, braces will not keep you from any sport or physical activity. However, the price you pay for a beautiful smile is taking a little extra care of your mouth while in treatment. To be sure you’re doing everything you

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Pregnancy & Oral Health

Pregnancy is an amazing thing. However, there are some important things to keep in mind during this time. While pregnancy does not automatically damage your teeth, pregnancy can lead to dental problems in some women, potentially resulting in gum disease and increased risk of tooth decay. Your increased hormones during

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Pamper Yourself in the Dental Aisle

Your skin isn’t the only thing that deserves a spa day. Your teeth work incredibly hard day in and day out (think of how much gum, food, etc. you chew on a daily basis!). Luckily, there are tons of affordable products that are available to give your teeth a spa

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Are Braces Triggering Your Canker Sores?

Fortunately, canker sores are not often a serious issue, but they sure can be annoying! These small ulcers can pop up in your mouth and on the inside of your lips and take days to heal. However, they are quite easy to prevent, especially once you understand what triggers them!

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Reasons Not to Fear the Dentist

If you fear going to the dentist, don’t worry, you’re not alone! It is estimated that nearly seventy five percent of adults in the United States experience some amount of fear with regards to visiting a dentist. About five to ten percent of those people have a strong enough fear

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