Our Blog

Halloween Fun with Braces

Halloween is a favorite holiday among children due to the festive games, imaginative costumes, and candy. Modern celebrations stem from a combination of traditions from Pagan and Christian traditions throughout the centuries. The original holiday was called Samhain and derived from the ancient Druids of Ireland. In their belief system,

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Questions, questions…

When beginning orthodontic treatment, most patients ask Dr. John Gerling and our team a lot of questions about what to expect, while others choose to just “go with the flow” and leave it to us to build for them a beautiful smile. And for our team at John A. Gerling,

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What makes teeth crooked?

Dr. John Gerling and our team hear this question a lot. Some of the common reasons for crooked teeth include: Thumb sucking Tongue thrusting or improper use of the tongue during speaking and swallowing Premature loss of baby teeth, which causes teeth to drift and shift Poor breathing airway caused

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Love your new smile? Tell us about it!

At John A. Gerling, DDS, MSD, we proudly treat adults, teens, and children; no matter what your age, we believe you deserve a great smile. Our warm and welcoming team is known for their for their exceptional orthodontic skills. Dr. John Gerling and our talented team have been creating beautiful

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